Pumpkin Paint Party


Fall is full of festivals, pumpkin spice lattes, and Oktoberfest beer! Depending on where you live, it is also the beginning of colder weather and beautiful leaves. But no matter where you are, it’s full of P U M P K I N S and Halloween treats!

But if your kid is like mine, they might be scared of Halloween and all of the spooky decorations. Try to plan activities that get them excited about the season! You could go to a pumpkin patch and have a hay ride or read silly books that show different Halloween characters! Our favorite this year has been the Halloween ABC book. Everyday my daughter wants to see the ghost and yummy treats, and it helps us learn our ABC’s at the same time!

Another fun way to get them excited about the season is to have a party. A party always makes life more exciting, no matter your age! Pumpkin painting is a quick and easy idea that requires little planning and prep. If you have a Walmart close by, you can pull this off within a couple of hours!

You’ll need are a few materials:


Just add some water to a few cups to wash out paint brushes, set out all the supplies and let your kids go to town! Minimal prep and minimal setup. Perfect for the last minute planner- like me!! Throw in a batch of cookies, homemade or store bought, and everyone is happy!

Helpful tip:

If you use non washable paint, I suggest putting down some type of paper or cardboard down. Whatever you have will work! I had some brown craft paper on hand that I used. Also, it is best if this activity is done outside!
